Jediquote:Airen Cracken

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Black Curs Blues[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Black Curs Blues: „My dear Airen, I understand your concern for your informant Platt Okeefe. It is a shame to have lost such a good agent. However, we cannot expend the necessary foces at this time to free her from imprisonment by Imperial Advisor Golthan.“

Small Favors[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Small Favors: „As I always say, you may be able to spot a thief in a second, but by that time yor chronometer’s already in his pocket.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Small Favors: „I hate to interrupt this touching introduction, but you can get to know each other on the way. With this mission, time might be the most dangerous enemy you’ll have to worry about.“


The Bissillirus Campaign[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Bissillirus Campaign: „More lambs to the slaughter.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Bissillirus Campaign: „The first thing you have to learn before attempting to set up a Rebel cell within a solar system is everything you can about the system itself. Everything. What the people are like, what they do there, how they do it and why they do it. You have to learn their culture and their background. This can be specifically difficult within species that are alien to our own, but the Rebellion tries to send you to systems that are primarily made up of those similar to our species.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Bissillirus Campaign: „Of course, the Rebellion briefs you, Capra, but there are so many systems and so many worlds that the Alliance just can’t keep up with conditions on all of them, especially now. The Empire has been cracking down and giving more power to its governors than ever before. There are systems we haven’t heard from in years.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Bissillirus Campaign: „Oh, don’t get me wrong, son. I know that’s the way you’ve been trained: go in fast and hard, blow something up and get out again. But remember: you are going to have to live there. If you start causing trouble right off the bat, the Empire will try to hunt you down and the resistance, if there’s any, won’t have anything to do with you.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus The Bissillirus Campaign: „Sometimes, maybe once in ten thousand times, the Empire takes over a system that was either on the brink of collapse, or sends in a governor that isn’t as grasping or evil as they tend to be. Perhaps some beurocrat of the Old Republic who managed to slip through the cracks. Generally we leave those systems alone – but we watch them carefully. Eventually, the evil that is the Empire shows through and the oppression begins to be felt. It is sad but it is only when things are at their worst that we can go in. Otherwise, it’s quite possible that the populace would see the Alliance as the enemy.“


Cracken’s Rebel Operatives[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Cracken’s Rebel Operatives: „Few would ever expect to find a highly placed Rebel operative who was related to the infamous Grand Moff. That fact is Rivoche's main value to the Alliance.“

Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Cracken’s Rebel Field Guide: „When you get paid for something you love to do, it's like stealing.“


X-Flügler – Renegaten-StaffelMandatory Retirement[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Mandatory Retirement: „Time is our enemy now, but our personnel are our strength. We have to go now so they can’t reinforce Ciutric.“


Die Mission der Rebellen[Bearbeiten]