Star Wars By the Numbers

Star Wars By the Numbers ist eine Fakten-Serie, deren Episoden kurze Videos sind, bei denen verschiedene Zählungen im Star-Wars-Universum durchgeführt werden. Die Serie wurde von Januar 2019 bis November 2020 auf dem englischsprachigen YouTube-Kanal Star Wars Kids sowie auf veröffentlicht und hat 40 Folgen.
Episode | Titel | Erstausstrahlung |
1 | How Many Times Is "Yes" and "No" Said in Star Wars? | 10.01.2019 |
2 | Every Lightsaber Ignition in the Star Wars Films | 17.01.2019 |
3 | Every Chewbacca Roar, Grunt, and Growl in the Original Trilogy | 24.01.2019 |
4 | Every Time Yoda Grunts, Groans, and Giggles in the Star Wars Movies | 01.02.2019 |
5 | Every Hyperspace Jump in the Star Wars Movies | 07.02.2019 |
6 | Every Stormtrooper Blaster Shot in the Death Star Escape | 14.02.2019 |
7 | Every Time the Force is Mentioned in the Star Wars Movies | 21.02.2019 |
8 | Every Time Someone Jumps Into a Cockpit in the Star Wars Movies | 28.02.2019 |
9 | Every Alien Species in the Original Trilogy | 08.03.2019 |
10 | Every Time an Object is Moved with the Force in Star Wars | 14.03.2019 |
11 | Every Surface Vehicle in Star Wars Movies | 22.03.2019 |
12 | Every Time Jedi or Sith is Said in Star Wars Movies | 28.03.2019 |
13 | Let's Count "Dooku" in the Star Wars Movies | 04.04.2019 |
14 | Every Mention of "Rebel(lion)" in the Star Wars Movies | 18.04.2019 |
15 | "Han" Pronunciations in the Star Wars Movies | 25.04.2019 |
16 | Every "R2-D2" Beep in Star Wars: A New Hope | 02.05.2019 |
17 | Every Switch Flip in the Millennium Falcon in the Star Wars Movies | 10.05.2019 |
18 | Every Time Rank is Mentioned in the Star Wars Movies | 17.05.2019 |
19 | Every Transition Wipe in the Star Wars Movies | 24.05.2019 |
20 | Every Creature in the Star Wars Movies | 31.05.2019 |
21 | Every 'Roger Roger' in Star Wars | 13.06.2019 |
22 | Every Question Luke Asks in Star Wars | 27.06.2019 |
23 | Every Time 'Master' Is Said in Star Wars | 12.07.2019 |
24 | Every Droid in Star Wars | 25.07.2019 |
25 | Every Padmé Look in Star Wars | 08.08.2019 |
26 | Every Time Chopper Is Mentioned | 22.08.2019 |
27 | Every 'Bad Feeling' in Star Wars | 06.09.2019 |
28 | Every Time Kaz Falls and Yells in Star Wars Resistance | 03.10.2019 |
29 | Every Type of Ship in Rebels | 01.11.2019 |
30 | Every Language in Star Wars Movies | 14.11.2019 |
31 | Every Time Skywalker is Said in Star Wars Movies | 12.12.2019 |
32 | Every BB-8 Beep in the Sequel Trilogy | 26.06.2020 |
33 | Every Time Someone Says Finn or Poe in the Sequel Trilogy | 03.07.2020 |
34 | Every Leia Look In Star Wars | 10.07.2020 |
35 | Doors Opening Vs. Doors Closing in Star Wars | 24.07.2020 |
36 | Every Ship in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy | 31.07.2020 |
37 | Every 'Padawan' on Jedi Temple Challenge | 02.10.2020 |
38 | Every Jar-Jar Binks Scream | 16.10.2020 |
39 | Every Cute Face Made By The Child | 30.10.2020 |
40 | Every Type of Trooper in Star Wars | 13.11.2020 |