Star Wars By the Numbers

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Star Wars By the Numbers ist eine Fakten-Serie, deren Episoden kurze Videos sind, bei denen verschiedene Zählungen im Star-Wars-Universum durchgeführt werden. Die Serie wurde von Januar 2019 bis November 2020 auf dem englischsprachigen YouTube-Kanal Star Wars Kids sowie auf veröffentlicht und hat 40 Folgen.


Episode Titel Erstausstrahlung
1 How Many Times Is "Yes" and "No" Said in Star Wars? 10.01.2019
2 Every Lightsaber Ignition in the Star Wars Films 17.01.2019
3 Every Chewbacca Roar, Grunt, and Growl in the Original Trilogy 24.01.2019
4 Every Time Yoda Grunts, Groans, and Giggles in the Star Wars Movies 01.02.2019
5 Every Hyperspace Jump in the Star Wars Movies 07.02.2019
6 Every Stormtrooper Blaster Shot in the Death Star Escape 14.02.2019
7 Every Time the Force is Mentioned in the Star Wars Movies 21.02.2019
8 Every Time Someone Jumps Into a Cockpit in the Star Wars Movies 28.02.2019
9 Every Alien Species in the Original Trilogy 08.03.2019
10 Every Time an Object is Moved with the Force in Star Wars 14.03.2019
11 Every Surface Vehicle in Star Wars Movies 22.03.2019
12 Every Time Jedi or Sith is Said in Star Wars Movies 28.03.2019
13 Let's Count "Dooku" in the Star Wars Movies 04.04.2019
14 Every Mention of "Rebel(lion)" in the Star Wars Movies 18.04.2019
15 "Han" Pronunciations in the Star Wars Movies 25.04.2019
16 Every "R2-D2" Beep in Star Wars: A New Hope 02.05.2019
17 Every Switch Flip in the Millennium Falcon in the Star Wars Movies 10.05.2019
18 Every Time Rank is Mentioned in the Star Wars Movies 17.05.2019
19 Every Transition Wipe in the Star Wars Movies 24.05.2019
20 Every Creature in the Star Wars Movies 31.05.2019
21 Every 'Roger Roger' in Star Wars 13.06.2019
22 Every Question Luke Asks in Star Wars 27.06.2019
23 Every Time 'Master' Is Said in Star Wars 12.07.2019
24 Every Droid in Star Wars 25.07.2019
25 Every Padmé Look in Star Wars 08.08.2019
26 Every Time Chopper Is Mentioned 22.08.2019
27 Every 'Bad Feeling' in Star Wars 06.09.2019
28 Every Time Kaz Falls and Yells in Star Wars Resistance 03.10.2019
29 Every Type of Ship in Rebels 01.11.2019
30 Every Language in Star Wars Movies 14.11.2019
31 Every Time Skywalker is Said in Star Wars Movies 12.12.2019
32 Every BB-8 Beep in the Sequel Trilogy 26.06.2020
33 Every Time Someone Says Finn or Poe in the Sequel Trilogy 03.07.2020
34 Every Leia Look In Star Wars 10.07.2020
35 Doors Opening Vs. Doors Closing in Star Wars 24.07.2020
36 Every Ship in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy 31.07.2020
37 Every 'Padawan' on Jedi Temple Challenge 02.10.2020
38 Every Jar-Jar Binks Scream 16.10.2020
39 Every Cute Face Made By The Child 30.10.2020
40 Every Type of Trooper in Star Wars 13.11.2020
