Jediquote:Thalassa Tarkin

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Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „During the festivities I'll find out what's been done to catch the rebels who murdered my husband Grand Moff Tarkin!“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „In memory of my husband, we serve the Empire faithfully.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „Another careless fool! Nardo! See that he is replaced immediately... from the labor pool.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „They'll be so honored by my Megonite ammunition operations, they'll double their efforts to crush the rebels who murdered my husband, Grand Moff Tarkin!“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „How dare he accuse me of aiding the rebels...?“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „How could Lord Vader accuse me, the poor widow of Grand Moff Tarkin, of selling ammunition to the rebels?“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „I'll find out who's stealing my Megonite... They'll learn what it means to steal from a Tarkin!“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „The thirteenth Imperial Diplomatic Conclave is held here on Phelarion to celebrate the success of my Megonite operation.“

Übersetztes Zitat aus Prinzessin Leia, imperiale Dienerin: „Imperial Dignitaries from all over the Galaxy will attend. What an honor will it be for a vulgar little creature like you, just to be in their presence.“


TTSP Endnotes: Volume 2[Bearbeiten]

Übersetztes Zitat aus TTSP Endnotes: Volume 2: „I get the feeling this will be what's remembered in five or ten years, after the rest of the article has been left by the wayside of continuity. Still, it's not a bad mark to have made.“